Initial setup of the keyboard.
This class has all the different configurations of the keyboard.
public init(language: FleksyKeyboardSDK.LanguageConfiguration = .init(),
dataCapture: FleksyKeyboardSDK.DataCaptureMode = .disabled,
style: StyleConfiguration = .init(),
typing: TypingConfiguration = .init(),
apps: FleksyKeyboardSDK.AppsConfiguration = .init(),
customizationBundle: FleksyKeyboardSDK.CustomizationBundleConfiguration = .init(),
license: LicenseConfiguration,
debug: DebugConfiguration = .init())
This call is called when the KeyboardViewController starts up.
override func createConfiguration() -> KeyboardConfiguration {
// Configuration of the keyboard
// Style
let style = StyleConfiguration()
// TypingConfiguration which includes punctuationSymbols
let typing = TypingConfiguration()
// LicenseConfiguration for the valdity of the license.
let license = LicenseConfiguration(licenseKey: <licenseKey>, licenseSecret: <licenseSecret>)
// it groups capture, style and takes as constructor if we want a custom view or not + specific height
let config = KeyboardConfiguration(style: style,
typing: typing,
license: license)
return config
Event | Description |
licenseConfiguration | Configuration for the license key. |
styleConfiguration | Configuration for the style of the keyboard - themes. |
emojiConfiguration | Configuration for the emojis. |
typingConfiguration | Configuration for the typing. |
feedbackConfiguration | Configuration for the feedback to the end-user. |
dataCaptureMode | Configuration for data capture. |
appsConfiguration | Configuration for apps, also called plugins, to be shown in the keyboard. |
specialConfiguration | Configuration for special keys in the keyboard. |
customizationBundleConfiguration | Configuration for custom action on the layout. |
languageConfiguration | Configuration for the languages. |
debugConfiguration | Configuration for enabling more elements for debug. |
Class to configure the licenseKey and the licenseSecret for the keyboard.
@property (copy, nonatomic, nullable) NSString *licenseSecret;
- (instancetype)initWithLicenseKey:(nonnull NSString *)licenseKey
licenseSecret:(nonnull NSString *)licenseSecret;
let license = LicenseConfiguration(licenseKey: <licenseKey>, licenseSecret: <licenseSecret>)
Class to configure the look and feel of the keyboard SDK at startup time.
By default we have one light and dark theme. If you want to change it, initiate this with the specific theme to load.
public convenience init(keyboardSize: FleksyKeyboardSDK.StyleConfiguration.KeyboardSize = .original,
keyboardFont: FleksyKeyboardSDK.StyleConfiguration.KeyboardFont = FleksyLegacySettings.getKeyboardFont() ?? .system(),
spacebarLogoImage: @autoclosure @escaping () -> UIImage? = nil,
spacebarStyle: enumSpacebarStyle = .spacebarStyle_Automatic,
spacebarLogoContentMode: UIView.ContentMode = .center)
Class Properties:
final public let keyboardFont: FleksyKeyboardSDK.StyleConfiguration.KeyboardFont
final public var spacebarLogoImage: UIImage? { get }
final public var spacebarLogoContentMode: UIView.ContentMode { get }
final public var spacebarStyle: enumSpacebarStyle
final public var dictForceTheme: [String : Any]
final public var dictForceDarkTheme: [String : Any]
Property | Description |
keyboardFont | Property to customise the font of the keyboard keys. By default we use the system one. |
spacebarLogoImage | UIImage to be rendered on the spacebar. |
spacebarLogoContentMode | UIView.ContentMode for placing the image properly. |
spacebarStyle | SpacebarStyle.Automatic: Shows user languages when more than one configured. SpacebarStyle.LogoOnly: Shows logo always SpacebarStyle.LanguageOnly: Shows only the user languages when more than one configured, regardless of whether a logo has been set. |
dictForceTheme | KeyboardTheme that will shape the look and feel of the keyboard when the light mode is required. |
dictForceDarkTheme | KeyboardTheme that will shape the look and feel of the keyboard when the dark mode is required. |
By default, those are <nil>. If you initialise them, a logo in the space bar will appear.
Enum | Description |
system | System font and weight .regular is used. |
custom | Your own custom font. Important: Remember that you must bundle the custom font file into your keyboard extension target. |
uiFont | Your own uiFont. You can customise the type of font, size and other properties. As before, remember that you must bundle the font if it does not exist on the iOS system. |
Initialises and returns a new keyboard theme object with the specified parameters.
public struct KeyboardTheme {
/// Returns a new keyboard theme object from the passed JSON string.
/// - Parameter jsonString: the JSON String containing the theme parameters.
/// Note that if the jsonString contains an invalid KeyboardTheme structure then this initializer returns nil.
public init?(jsonString: String)
/// Returns a JSON String from the receiver's parameters.
/// This JSON String can be used to initialize a KeyboardTheme object using the init(jsonString:) initializer.
public func toJSONString() -> String?
Parameters | Description |
key | The key identifier of the theme |
name | The name of the theme |
backgroundGradient | Color array of the keyboard background gradient, the first color is assigned to the main background color |
image | The name of the background image file from the bundle with extension. The image can also be a png filename stored locally on the Group directory under a folder named User_Theme_Images and contain the .png extension. E.g. "my_background_image.png" . Source code example.The resolution of the image has a direct impact on memory consumption. Be aware of the memory limitation on the keyboard. |
imageAlpha | The alpha of the background image. Values between 0 and 1 |
imagePosition | The scaling of the background image. ImagePosition.scale: Scale the image to fill the size of the keyboard. Scale the image to fit the size of the keyboard. Centers the image in the keyboard’s bounds. |
keyLetters | The color of the letters on the keys |
keyBackground | The key caps background color |
keyShadow | The shadow color for the key caps |
hoverLetters | The text color of the hover when hovering a key |
hoverBackground | The background color of the hover when hovering a key |
hoverSelectedLetters | The text color of the selected item while long-pressing on a multi-label key |
hoverSelectedBackground | The background color of the selected item while long-pressing on a multi-label key |
suggestionLetters | The text color of the non selected suggesions |
suggestionBackground | The background color of the suggestions strip |
suggestionSelectedLetters | The text color of the selected suggestion |
suggestionSelectedBackground | The background color of the selected suggestion |
buttonLetters | The color of the button keys |
buttonBackground | The background color of the button keys |
buttonBackgroundPressed | The background color of the button when pressed |
buttonActionLetters | The color of the action button |
buttonActionBackground | The background color of the action button |
buttonActionBackgroundPressed | The background color of the action button when pressed |
buttonShiftLetters | The color of the shift button |
buttonShiftBackground | The background color of the shift button |
buttonShiftBackgroundPressed | The background color of the shift button when pressed |
buttonBackspaceLetters | The color of the backspace button |
buttonBackspaceBackground | The background color of the backspace button |
buttonBackspaceBackgroundPressed | The background color of the spacebar when pressed |
spacebarLetters | The color of the spacebar |
spacebarBackground | The background color of the spacebar |
spacebarBackgroundPressed | The background color of the spacebar when pressed |
homeBackground | The background color of the middle row |
swipeLine | The color of the swipe line when swipe typing is enable |
trackPadCursor | The color of the cursor in the track pad |
tileIcons | The shapes of a key tile while hovering |
extras | Special keyboard behauvior and properties |
sounds | Sounds for keyboard gestures |
Class to configure the look and feel of the emojis when the keyboard opens.
public init(recent: [String] = FleksyManagedSettings.recentEmojis,
defaultSkinTone: FleksyKeyboardSDK.EmojiConfiguration.EmojiSkinTone = FleksyLegacySettings.getDefaultEmojiSkinTone() ?? .neutral)
EmojiSkinTone | Description |
neutral | Standard, by default. (E.g. 👋) |
light | Light emoji color. (E.g. 👋🏻) |
mediumLight | Medium Light emoji color. (E.g. 👋🏼) |
medium | Medium emoji color. (E.g. 👋🏽) |
mediumDark | Medium Dark emoji color. (E.g. 👋🏾) |
dark | Dark emoji color. (E.g. 👋🏿) |
recent: Array of strings with the desired initial recent emojis. By default, Fleksy provides recent emojis.
emojiSearch: Ability to search emojis from the emoji screen. By default, this is enabled.
Class to configure some of the aspects of the typing configuration.
/// Object used to configure the typing experience and features of the keyboard
public struct TypingConfiguration {
public let caseSensitive: Bool
public let smartPunctuation: Bool
public let autoCorrect: Bool
public let autoCorrectAfterPunctuation: Bool
public let backspaceToUndoAutoCorrection: Bool
public let autoCapitalization: Bool
public let autoLearn: Bool
public let doubleSpaceTapAddsPunctuation: Bool
public let swipeTyping: Bool
public let swipeTriggerLength: CGFloat
public let swipeLeftToDelete: Bool
public var punctuationSymbols: [String] { get }
public var arrayPunctuationSymbols: [String]
public let longPressShowsPunctuation: Bool
public let keitaiEnabled: Bool
public let keitaiDelay: TimeInterval
public let spacebarMovesCursor: Bool
public let useAllAccents: Bool
public let magicButtonAction: FleksyKeyboardSDK.MagicButtonAction
public var magicButtonLongPressActions: [FleksyKeyboardSDK.MagicButtonAction] { get }
public let isMinimal: Bool
public let numberRow: Bool
A boolean indicating whether the keyboard keys are case sensitive. Defaults to
Name | Value | Default | Description |
caseSensitive | Bool | true | It indicates whether the keyboard keys are case sensitive. When case sensitive is true , the visual appearance of the keys reflects uupercase or lowercase accordingly. Otherwise, the keys always appear as uppercase. |
smartPunctuation | Bool | false | Spaces are added after punctuation |
autoCorrect | Bool | true | Enable or disable the autocorrect |
autoCorrectAfterPunctuation | Bool | true | A boolean indicating whether a word is autocorrected after a punctuation symbol is entered. |
backspaceToUndoAutoCorrection | Bool | true | Tapping the backspace key after an auto correction will undo the auto correction. |
autoCapitalization | Bool | true | Caps layout is automatically set after a punctuation symbol or at the start of an input field. |
autoLearn | Bool | true | Manually corrected words by the user are learned automatically |
doubleSpaceTap-AddsPunctuation | Bool | true | A punctuation symbol should be added after the user taps the spacebar twice. It also adds a space after the punctuation. |
swipeTyping | Bool | true | Swipe typing is enabled for dictionaries that support swipe typing |
swipeTriggerLength | CGFloat | 30 | The distance threshold to trigger the swipe typing gesture, measured in points. (we recommend to avoid modifying this value unless you know exactly your userbase) |
swipeLeftToDelete | Bool | false | A boolean indicating whether a swipe left gesture, which performs a word delete, is enabled or not. Important: If swipe typing is enabled, this swipe gesture cannot work. Therefore, the value of this property is affected by the value of swipeTyping . If swipeTyping is true , then swipeLeftToDelete is set to false regardless of the passed value at initialization. |
punctuationSymbols / arrayPunctuation-Symbols | [String] | Empty | Array of Strings. It holds the symbols that would appear when we do a long press on top of the “.“ next to the enter key. |
longPressShowsPunctuation | Bool | false | When true, holding on a key will show the numbers & symbols keyboard until the finger is released. Take into account that this would replace the functionality of long-pressing keys for accents. This can be useful when using minimal mode (isMinimal ), where there’s no button to change to the numbers & symbols keyboard. |
keitaiEnabled | Bool | true | A boolean indicating whether keitai mode is enabled for the Japanese Flick keyboard |
keitaiDelay | TimeInterval | - | The amount of delay seconds for the Keitai rotations. Only considered when keitaiEnabled is true |
spacebarMovesCursor | Bool | true | It indicates whether the spacebar can move the cursor on a long press |
useAllAccents | Bool | false | When true, holding on a key will show all possible accents, and not only the common accents for the current language |
magicButtonAction | MagicButtonAction | - | The default action for the magic button of the keyboard (that is the special button on the left of the spacebar). It includes the emoji access, autocorrection toggle and comma. Default: .emoji |
magicButtonLongPressActions | MagicButtonAction | - | The array of available actions to show when the user long-presses the magic button. Default: [.emoji, .hideKeyboard, .autoCorrectToggle] |
isMinimal | Bool | false | A boolean indicating whether the bottom row of buttons is hidden (that is, the row containing the space bar, the enter button, etc.). Defaults to false . When set to true , you may want to use it in combination with longPressShowsPunctuation to allow users to access the numbers & symbols keyboard in minimal mode. |
numberRow | Bool | false | When true, for supported languages, a new row on top of the qwerty layout displays the numbers from 0 to 9. |
This class is used to configure the feedback that the user receives when interacting with the keyboard.
There are two main feedback elements:
public struct FeedbackConfiguration : Equatable {
public struct ResourceSoundSet : Equatable {
/// The name of the sound file to play for different keys:
public let tap: String
public let button: String
public let backspace: String
/// Default SoundSet provided by Fleksy
public static var defaultSoundSet: FleksyKeyboardSDK.FeedbackConfiguration.ResourceSoundSet { get }
public init(tap: String, button: String? = nil, backspace: String? = nil)
public enum SoundMode : Equatable {
case silent
case sound(FleksyKeyboardSDK.FeedbackConfiguration.ResourceSoundSet = .defaultSoundSet)
public let soundMode: FleksyKeyboardSDK.FeedbackConfiguration.SoundMode
public let haptics: Bool
public init(soundMode: FleksyKeyboardSDK.FeedbackConfiguration.SoundMode = .silent, haptics: Bool = false)
Property | Value | Default | Description |
soundMode | Enum | silent | It receives a ResourceSoundSet to use it when the keyboard is not silent. By default sounds are disabled. |
haptics | Bool | false | Haptic feedback when a keyboard button is pressed. By default this is disabled. |
Property | Description |
tap | Sound that is triggered when the user presses any of keys, except the action buttons. Add a string with the name of the sound filename. |
button | Sound that is triggered when the user presses any of the action buttons except the delete button. Add a string with the name of the sound filename. |
backspace | Sound that is triggered when the user presses the backspace button. Add a string with the name of the sound filename. |
Sound files must be added in .caf
or .wav
file format.
The data capture mode applied to the keyboard.
This class provides a way for the developer to capture the data produced by the user. There are three different types of data capture modes, mutually exclusive:
Disabled | This is the default state. None of the data is captured. |
Event based | Data is captured on an event basis, which means that it is captured and delivered while it happens. |
Session based | Data is captured on a session basis. By session, we mean from the moment the end-user opens the keyboard until they hide the keyboard. After that period of time, the data is delivered. |
/// An enum that defines the supported data capture modes by the SDK.
public enum DataCaptureMode {
/// Data capture is disabled.
case disabled
/// Data capture is reported per-event in real time, i.e. data capture events are reported as soon as they happen.
/// - Parameter configuration: The configuration defining the kind of events that should be reported.
/// Defaults to a EventDataConfiguration instance initialized with initialized with default parameters
case eventBased(configuration: FleksyKeyboardSDK.EventDataConfiguration = .init())
/// Data capture is reported at the end of each keyboard session.
/// - Parameter output: The type of output for the captured data. Defaults to enumCaptureOutput/captureOutput_file.
/// - Parameter configuration: The specific configuration for the captured data.
/// - Parameter logEvents: A boolean indicating whether session-based data capture events should be logged.
/// Defaults to `false`
case sessionBased(output: enumCaptureOutput = .captureOutput_file, configuration: FLDataConfiguration = .init(), logEvents: Bool = false)
Data capture is not enabled. This is the behaviour by default.
let capture = DataCaptureMode.disabled
When we enable the event-based data capture we need to set up two different items:
Example Event-based
/// Initial Configuration
override func createConfiguration() -> KeyboardConfiguration {
let eventDataConfiguration = EventDataConfiguration()
let capture = DataCaptureMode.eventBased(configuration: eventDataConfiguration)
let config = KeyboardConfiguration(dataCapture: capture, ...)
return config
/// Override this method to start receiving the data preconfigured
override func onDataCaptureEvent(_ event: EventBasedDataCaptureEvent) {
In order to select different types of data to be captured you should configure this class with your specific needs.
By default, the constructuor captures all data except for keyPlane
public init(keyStroke: Bool = true,
delete: Bool = true,
keyPlane: Bool = false,
word: Bool = true,
swipe: Bool = true,
sessionUpdate: Bool = true,
stressMonitor: Bool = true)
Every time the system captures data it will deliver the data using this callback.
override func onDataCaptureEvent(_ event: EventBasedDataCaptureEvent) {
The enum EventBasedDataCaptureEvent
holds different type of data as objects. All the different objects:
Parameter | Data Class | Description |
sessionUpdate | SessionUpdate | The details regarding modifications to various session parameters are provided, encompassing information such as the timestamp, text field, language, and more. |
keyStroke | KeyStroke | It contains all data related to a key stroke. From the time to press the key, position of the press, and the time and position of touching out the key. |
word | Word | All typed words. It contains if the word was a prediction, an autocorrected word, and so on. |
swipe | Swipe | All swiped words. |
delete | Delete | It contains all data related to the delete action. Which type of character, character and so on. |
keyPlane | KeyPlane | All the elements of the keyplane. |
stressMonitor | StressMonitor | The stress capture. |
(All the objects are common between platforms, same content on Android and iOS.)
When we enable the session-based data capture we want to receive data at the end of each session. In case that you want to process all the captured data outside of the keyboard this might be a good solution for you.
output | enumCaptureOutput: captureOutput_file : store data content in a file captureOutput_string : send data at the end of the session via delegate function dataCollection |
dataConfig | The data capture configuration, see FLDataConfiguration |
logEvents | Parameter for debugging and seeing the events on the console. |
let dataConfig = FLDataConfiguration()
let capture = DataCaptureMode.sessionBased(output: enumCaptureOutput.captureOutput_string,
configuration: dataConfig,
logEvents: false)
Name | Type | Default value |
output | enumCaptureOutput | captureOutput_file |
dataConfiguration | FLDataConfiguration | FLDataConfiguration() |
logEvents | Boolean | false |
The data capture configuration.
public convenience init(
text: Bool = true,
swipe: Bool = true,
emoji: Bool = true,
layout: Bool = true,
textField: Bool = true,
language: Bool = true,
type: Bool = true,
area: Bool = true,
code: Bool = true,
position: Bool = true,
press: Bool = true,
keyPress: Bool = true,
keyCenter: Bool = true,
keyBounds: Bool = true,
configCoordinate: enumDataConfigCoordinate = .dataConfigCoordinate_screenPixel,
word: Bool = true,
delete: Bool = true,
keyPlane: Bool = true,
keyText: Bool = true,
positionEnd: Bool = true,
keyPressEnd: Bool = true,
predictionsTouch: Bool = true,
prediction: Bool = true,
configFormat: enumDataConfigFormat = .dataConfigFormat_standard,
accelerometer: Bool = false,
autocorrection: Bool = true,
distanceFromLastTouch: Bool = true,
keyPositionLimited: Bool = false,
autocorrectionLimited: Bool = false,
wordLimited: Bool = false,
predictionLimited: Bool = false,
swipeLimited: Bool = false,
deleteLimited: Bool = false,
stressMonitor: Bool = false,
interKeyTimeHistogram: Bool = true,
interKeyTimeHistogramInterval: Int = 50,
interKeyTimeHistogramCount: Int = 21)
text | Capture all the written text |
swipe | Capture all swipes of the user |
emoji | Capture all emojis with all hex values of them |
layout | Layout parameter: QWERTY, AZERTY, … |
textField | Field in which the user is typing. Specified in detail in the specs |
language | Capture the current language of the user |
type | Capture the type, which is a specific parameter |
area | Capture the area, which is another specific parameter |
code | Capture the code of the key pressed. |
position | Capture positions from the center of the key |
press | Capture the time of press and the time of release |
keyPress | Capture the press key in the coordinate system |
keyCenter | Capture the center key in the coordinate system |
keyBounds | Capture the bounds of the current key |
configCoordinate | The type of coordinate system to use. See DataConfigCoordinate for the available options. |
word | Capture state and data of words |
delete | Capture words deleted |
keyPlane | Capture key planes |
keyText | Capture the labels of each key pressed |
positionEnd | Capture release positions from the center of the key |
keyPressEnd | Capture release positions |
predictionsTouch | Capture touch position of predictions |
prediction | Capture predictions selected |
configFormat | Format of data files. Can be any of: dataConfigFormat_standard dataConfigFormat_groupByTap |
stressMonitor | Provide information on the stress level of the person typing |
An object containing constants to different types of coordinate systems:
dataCaptureCoordinate_screenPixel | Reference to all pixels of the whole screen. This includes all pixels regardless of the density. |
dataCaptureCoordinate_keyboardPixel | Reference to all pixels of the keyboard, but, with all the pixels, regardless of the density. |
dataCaptureCoordinate_keyboard | Reference to pixels of the keyboard, seen internally, which means that it would be different depending on the device, density, etc. |
dataCaptureCoordinate_internalKeyboard | Reference to the internal points for the Engine. 320 x 288 points |
All the reported data are in the data capture for session which specifies all the different parameters.
Class to configure the custom layout for enabling a custom action.
public struct CustomizationBundleConfiguration {
public struct Button {
/// Creates a new ``Button`` object.
/// - Parameters:
/// - label: The case-insensitive label of the custom button. This string must match (case insensitively) the `label` of the custom button defined in `keyboard-global.json` file.
/// - image: The image to be shown in the custom button. If the ``image`` is `nil`, then the ``label`` will be shown and it will be shown in uppercase or lowercase depending of the state of the shift button.
/// - contentMode: The content mode for the ``image``. Ignored if ``image`` is `nil`.
/// - action: The action to perform when the user taps the custom button, containing the `label` of the tapped button.
/// - The closure receives the `label` of the tapped button, but only compare this `label` string parameter in a case-insentive manner, because when the current keyboard is uppercase, then the `label` parameter will be uppercased.
public init(label: String, image: @autoclosure @escaping () -> UIImage?, contentMode: UIView.ContentMode = .center, action: @escaping (String) -> Void)
/// The name of the bundle file that needs to be used for the keyboard layout customization. **Do not include the ".bundle" extension** in the `bundleFileName` parameter. Defautls to `"fleksy-custom`.
/// Passing an empty string or a name for a bundle file that does not exist has no layout customization effect.
public let bundleFileName: String
/// The array of custom `Button`s to define the look and behavior of the custom buttons declared in the bundle file
/// If two buttons in the array have the same label (case insensitive) then only the first one in the array will be considered.
public let buttons: [FleksyKeyboardSDK.CustomizationBundleConfiguration.Button]
/// Creates a new ``CustomizationBundleConfiguration`` object.
/// - Parameters:
/// - bundleFileName: The name of the bundle file that needs to be used for the keyboard layout customization. Passing an empty string or a name for a bundle file that does not exist has no layout customization effect.
/// - buttons: The array of custom `Button`s to define the look and behavior of the custom buttons declared in the bundle file. If two buttons in the array have the same label (case insensitive) then only the first one in the array will be considered.
public init(bundleFileName: String = "fleksy-custom", buttons: [FleksyKeyboardSDK.CustomizationBundleConfiguration.Button] = [])
of the custom button defined in the bundleFileName. By default, the name of the label is custom-action.image
is nil
, then the label
will be shown and it will be shown in uppercase or lowercase depending of the state of the shift button.image
. Ignored if image
is nil
In order to implement a custom action on the layout, check the feature in detail: Custom Action
Type to configure the languages of the keyboard.
By default there is the en-US
language included in the SDK. If you do not configure anything this will be the language that your users will use.
This type is used in the keyboard extension for you to configure the languages from the keyboard, but, you can also configure them from the host app via the FleksyManagedSettings.userLanguages
public init(current: FleksyKeyboardSDK.KeyboardLanguage? = nil,
userLanguages: [FleksyKeyboardSDK.KeyboardLanguage] = FleksyManagedSettings.userLanguages,
automaticDownload: Bool = true)
Class Properties:
public let current: FleksyKeyboardSDK.KeyboardLanguage
public let userLanguages: [FleksyKeyboardSDK.KeyboardLanguage]
public let automaticDownload: Bool
Property | Default | Description |
current | nil |
If you configure this value, it will force to use this language every time that the user opens the keyboard. If this property is not configured, the SDK itself will remember the last language used by the user and it will show it up the proper language. |
userLanguages | Array with en-US language | This array contains the different languages that your user wants to have installed. |
automaticDownload | YES |
Automatically updates and downloads all languages configured on the userLanguages property. |
Definition of a language. It has two parameters, code of the language and layout.
Property | Description |
locale | Locale of the language that you want to install. Example: “en-US” / “en-AU” / … |
layout | The layout for that language. If this is nil , the default layout is used. |
This will configure the KeyboardLanguage with the QWERTY layout and the language en-US
Class to configure all related debugging aspects. This is not recommended to be used in a production environment.
@interface DebugConfiguration : NSObject
- (instancetype) initDebug;
@property (nonatomic) BOOL registerLayoutChange;