
The InputHelper is a helper class to perform operations related to the current input connection

replaceText Replaces a composing region with the provided text
removeText Removes a composing region
insertText Inserts text at the composing position
clearText Removes all text from the current editor


Replaces content, in the region delimited by start and end, with the provided text.


  • Start should be equal or greater than 0
  • The provided end position should be greater than the start position
fun replaceText(start: Int, end: Int, text: String)


Removes content in the region delimited by start and end.


  • Start should be equal or greater than 0
  • The provided end position should be greater than the start position
fun removeText(start: Int, end: Int)


Inserts text at the provided position


  • Position should be equal or greater than 0
fun insertText(position: Int, text: String)


Removes all text on the underlying editor

fun clearText()

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Last updated on April 23, 2022