
enum CandidateType

A type that contains the type of Candidates.


Enumeration Cases
autocorrection The word at the cursor is predicted, one or more replacements are offered.
autocompletion The word at the cursor was misspelled, one or more corrections are needed.
dictionary A word that is present in the dictionary.
emoji A word could be added or replaced by an emoji.
prediction The next word at the cursor is predicted, one or more additions are offered.

Enumeration Cases


case autocorrection

The word at the cursor was misspelled, one or more corrections are needed.
Example: “Hello wrld|” => [(“world”, 6-10), (“wald”, 6-10), (“weld”, 6-10)]


case autocompletion

The next word at the cursor is predicted, one or more additions are offered.
Example: “Hello grand|” => [(“grandparent”, 6-11), (“granddaughter”, 6-11), …]


case dictionary

A word that is present in the dictionary.
Example dictionary word: “The art|” => [(“art”, 5-7, dictionary), (“article”, 5-7, autocompletion)]


case emoji

A word could be added or replaced by an emoji.
Example emoji suggestion: “A rose|” => [("🌹", 2-6)]


case other


case prediction

The next word at the cursor is predicted, one or more additions are offered.
Example: “Hello |” => [(“world,6-6”), (“there”, 6-6)]

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Last updated on August 8, 2022