enum CandidateType
A type that contains the type of Candidates.
Enumeration Cases | |
autocorrection | The word at the cursor is predicted, one or more replacements are offered. |
autocompletion | The word at the cursor was misspelled, one or more corrections are needed. |
dictionary | A word that is present in the dictionary. |
emoji | A word could be added or replaced by an emoji. |
other | |
prediction | The next word at the cursor is predicted, one or more additions are offered. |
case autocorrection
The word at the cursor was misspelled, one or more corrections are needed.
Example: “Hello wrld|” => [(“world”, 6-10), (“wald”, 6-10), (“weld”, 6-10)]
case autocompletion
The next word at the cursor is predicted, one or more additions are offered.
Example: “Hello grand|” => [(“grandparent”, 6-11), (“granddaughter”, 6-11), …]
case dictionary
A word that is present in the dictionary.
Example dictionary word: “The art|” => [(“art”, 5-7, dictionary), (“article”, 5-7, autocompletion)]
case emoji
A word could be added or replaced by an emoji.
Example emoji suggestion: “A rose|” => [("🌹", 2-6)]
case other
case prediction
The next word at the cursor is predicted, one or more additions are offered.
Example: “Hello |” => [(“world,6-6”), (“there”, 6-6)]